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Admin • September 3, 2019
Equipment And Tool Repairs — Toledo, OH — West Equipment Co. Inc.

Renting tools for a project is a great option, but if you are going to have the tools for a long period of time, it is important that you maintain the tools so they continue to function properly and are in good working order when you return them. Air or pneumatic tools have some specific needs but are not hard to maintain. Here are some tips you can use to keep your rented air tools working properly for you.

Clean the Tools

One of the most important things you can do with any tool is to clean it when you are done using it. A tool that has a lot of dirt or debris on the working parts can stop functioning properly but taking the time to wipe the tool down at the end of the day can make all the difference.

Air tools use oil to lubricate them and sometimes that oil gets on the outside of the tool or on the moving parts that are exposed. The oil can attract dust, dirt, sawdust, or even metal chips and eventually damage the tool. Use a clean rag and wipe the tool down when you are done with it to keep these areas free of debris and extend the life of the tool.

Oil Air Tools Daily

Air tools have some parts inside the tool that need lubricating to avoid wear and other damage to the tool. The recommendation is to add a few drops of pneumatic tool oil in the air fitting each day when you start working and if you are using the tool for an entire day, re-oil the tool halfway through the day.

If you are not sure what oil to use in the tools, check with the rental company. They can tell you what they use and may even provide some oil for you to use while you have the tools. While most pneumatic tool oils are the same, the rental company may want to keep the same oil in the tools to avoid any issues so if they specify a type or brand, which is the best choice.

Inspect the Tools

Take the time to inspect the air tools you are using every day before you start work. Some of the tools you are using may have some mechanical parts on them that are critical to the proper operation of the tool and can affect the safety of the tool while it is in use. 

Look the tool over, check the moving parts on the tool, and ensure everything is in place and there is no damage on the parts. If you see something that does not look right, do not use the tool. Take it back to the rental company and have them inspect it for you. They will be able to tell you if there is a problem with the tool or if it is okay to use. If there is damage to the tool, they may be able to give you a replacement tool.

Check the Air Pressure

While the air pressure is set on the compressor you are using, be sure to check the tool you are using for the pressure recommendation and adjust the compressor accordingly. One of the most common ways to damage a pneumatic tool is to use too much pressure with it. The excessive pressure will cause damage to the seals inside the tool and the only way to fix them is to tear the entire tool down and replace the seals.

West Equipment Co. Inc. offers many different tools for rent, including pneumatic nailers, grinders, sprays, and more. Come by and see us today. We can set you up with the tools you need for your job or project.

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