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Admin • July 27, 2020

Summer heat and sun exposure create extra risks for outdoor workers. Employers need to follow extra summer safety protocols and supply water, rest, shade, and the proper personal protection equipment (PPE) for each worker. The correct equipment will both protect each laborer and offer comfort and relief from the stresses of summer weather.

Heat and Sun Exposure Dangers

Working outside in extreme heat (90 degrees plus), humidity, and the direct summer sun poses risks. Every year in the US, there are dozens of heat related fatalities and thousands of heat induced illnesses.

Early forms of heat stress on the job include fatigue and dehydration. Prolonged heat exposure can result in heat stress or heat stroke, with disorientation, slurred speech, dropped tools, lethargy and even unresponsiveness as symptoms. In addition to heat stress, sun exposure on the job can increase skin cancer rates and cause skin burns and vision problems. 

Summer Work Safety Guidelines

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has guidelines for summer work. Released in 2011, the Heat Illness Prevention campaign stressed three key concepts: water, shade, and rest.

  • Water. Offer each employee adequate hydration, and the time needed to drink as often as needed.
  • Shade. Offer protection in the form of structures and equipment that supply a place of shelter, like umbrellas and canopies.
  • Rest. Mandate time away from labor demands to rest and cool down. Allow workers time to acclimate to heat. Provide shorter shifts, worker rotation, and more breaks during extreme heat, especially at the start of the season.

The campaign outlined the need to focus on these three elements and train all employees and managers to effectively implement the safety protocols for each jobsite. Employers must create worksites that are safe from overheating and sun exposure dangers.

Personal Protection Equipment Needs

Every workplace must follow the OSHA recommendations for water, shade, and rest. It is also important to have the right PPE for the job. When the weather is hot, it is tempting to forgo PPE like hard hats, long sleeves, goggles, and gloves. Taking equipment off for momentary relief often leads to prolonged hazard exposure without protection. Job sites need to find the right safety equipment to avoid this trend.


Outdoor laborers need to cover up to prevent dangerous UV exposure. Long sleeves, pants and hats are the best protection. The correct breathable and reflective clothing helps ward off excessive sun exposure.

A summer uniform should be light colored to reflect the summer sun, as dark colors absorb UV rays and heat up faster. Clothing should be loose and of a light weave. You may need designated summer uniforms if yours are otherwise dark colored.

Outerwear should also include heat resistant sleeves and gloves for when workers need to handle sun heated surfaces. Do not use the same kind of gloves in all seasons. There are breathable nitrile gloves and lighter construction gloves that offer good grip without overheating.

Head Protection

Head protection is another important PPE consideration. Hard hats with vents, anti-fog goggles, cooling bandanas and sweat liners all offer heat protection and increase worker comfort.

Eyewear needs to take UV exposure, glare, and excessive brightness into consideration. Eyewear should have a tint and special glaze for UV protection.

Cooling Accessories

Your company may not be able to afford a separate set of summer PPE. You may consider renting seasonal PPE that help your workers stay comfortable and productive in the summer. Another possibility is to supply accessories to complement existing PPE.

You can supply cooling vests and tank tops to wear under existing uniforms. There are evaporative towels and neck shields that attach to hard hats. You do not have to replace existing equipment to provide these cooling options.

Assess your job site for proper summer safety protocol. Invest in the training and equipment you need to keep workers safe and productive. West Equipment Company Inc is here for you and your workplace safety equipment needs, whether you are looking to rent or to own.

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